My Mission

I’m Federica, a Spiritual & Business Coach, Intuitive Channeler, and Past Lives Healer.

I support you in your Ascension and Healing Journey by providing the Spiritual & Business tools you need to make your healing journey easy and have the business knowledge to live your life purpose.

You need both, because we are spiritual beings living a physical experience in a physical world.

If you are fully committed to your Ascension in this lifetime, living your Life Purpose is a fundamental aspect of your journey, and your healing will naturally bring you towards it.

When I embarked on my healing journey I was alone and I really struggled with it for months, thinking many times about giving up.

But when I reached out for the right help and I invested in the right coaches and resources, everything changed overnight: I found myself and my peace again.

If you are struggling on your healing journey and you see no changes in you or your external reality, I was there as well, until I stopped relying on external healers and learned the RIGHT method that only needs YOU and your commitment.

You can heal ANYTHING on your own. You don’t need to spend money on special healers and sessions and who knows what kind of rituals.

You only need to learn 1 method and learn how to Master it. That is ALL that you need.

This is what changed EVERYTHING for me, after MONTHS stuck on the same healing patterns.

I am here to help you in this process and make it as easy as possible for you.


What you will learn from me

1:1 Coaching: Learn how to heal your past lives and live your life purpose

What I learned on my Healing Journey is that whatever you desire to live in life is already within you
You were created perfect, with everything in you, in a permanent state of love, peace, and joy. That is your true state of being.

The only reason why you are not living the life that you wish is simply because there are energetic blocks between you and the vibration of that state of being that you wish to live.
What are these energetic blocks? Limiting beliefs, pains, and traumas that lower your current vibration coming from past lives or society.

To live the life that you wish you simply have to go within and remove those layers of energetic blocks.

I am here to support you in mastering the Spiritual practices to release any energetic block and provide you also with practical Business skills & tools to start your own business and live your life purpose.

Find out more!

Channeling & Energy Readings and Psychic Gifts Development

I am also an Intuitive Channeler, and I can connect to your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, or open your Akashic Records, whatever you need in order to guide and support you in your journey.

The channeling of these sessions is meant to help you understand where you are in your journey and support you to align yourself towards your goals, by identifying the root cause of any energetic blocks you may be experiencing at the moment.

You will receive guidance on your current path, how to overcome challenges and help you read your reality and the lessons presented so that you can move forward peacefully.

I can also support you in understanding, and developing your psychic abilities and learn how to channel your Spirit Guides, open the Akashic Records or anything you wish to read, for yourself or others.

Then you can choose how to use your gifts according to your personal journey.

Book a session!

How I left my Corporate job to live my heart’s dream

This is literally the tool that allowed me to save 50% of my Corporate salary and leave my job in 5 years, to pursue what my heart wanted to!

I created a simplified automated version of a Balance Sheet that I use since before starting my Corporate job because I wanted to take charge of my finances and start to save money from day 1 so that when I reached my goals I could leave my job!

I was a broke student, and my first job really had an entry-salary level! However, I was able to keep track of my finances and really be committed to building the foundations of my wealth.

I didn’t know what I was doing at the time, I was just following my intuition, but there is not one day that goes by without thanking the past ME for taking that decision back then!

You can do the same today!
Start today, thank me tomorrow!

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